What We Offer
individual counseling
Daystar believes that healing and change can be accomplished through the individual counseling process. Clients meet one-on-one with their counselor to process anything from daily life to traumatic events.
group counseling
Daystar groups are a gathering of age related children and adolescents that provide a platform for counseling within a social setting. Daystar believes that kids have a tremendous ability to affect each other in a positive way.
parent consultations
Daystar directors are available to meet with one or both parents for a consultation to offer advice on parenting kids of any age. Consultations are also helpful for parents of young children not old enough to be seen at Daystar.
emdr & brainspotting
These brain-body therapies are based on the idea that the body and mind are interconnected and that trauma can become trapped in the nervous system. EMDR and brainspotting use multiple brain-based tools alongside talk therapy to help individuals process difficult emotions, traumatic experiences, dysregulation and anxiety.
parent groups
Daystar counselors offer short-term, focused parenting groups designed around topics like raising teenagers or children with ADHD. These groups provide much-needed support, education and community to help parents feel less alone on their journey.
summer experiences
Each summer, counselors lead day camps at the Daystar house that offer fun and unique experiences from art therapy to adventuring. These weeks focus on relationship building, social skills, and adoption issues. Kids experience a week of growing their awareness, kindness, and creativity in a place where it's safe to be themselves.
hopetown Retreats
Tucked away on the lake in Kentucky, Hopetown is a place where kids spend a week seeing that they have the ability to make a profound difference in the lives of others. As they share with their peers, laugh on the boat, play in the water, and worship together they discover more of who they are and experience hope.
soup night
A couple of times a year, Daystar families and friends in the community come together and share in worship, teaching, and warm soup. “It is better to eat soup with those you love than steak with those you hate.” Proverbs 15:17
What Kids Receive at Daystar…
We've had so many parents say it feels like their kids have lost their joy...Hear kids share their stories of heartache, healing, hope and how they got their joy back in their own words.